Panboola, Pambula, Sapphire Coast NSW

Pambula, Sapphire Coast, NSW

Panboola, Pambula, Sapphire Coast, NSW

Panboola, Pambula, Sapphire Coast NSW
Just a few hundred metres from the main street of Pambula you’ll find 77 hectares of tended and protected freshwater billabongs, salt marsh and grassy plains brimming with life - the unique natural space that is "Panboola".
Follow the numerous walking and cycling tracks, stopping to enjoy viewing platforms, picnic tables and information panels.
Panboola encompasses the old Pambula Racecourse, remnants of which are still evident, and borders with Ben Boyd National Park.
Popular with birdwatchers and photographers, various arts activities are held at Panboola each year. It's a huge asset to the community so make sure you take time to explore this unique and beautiful location.